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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Got Gaps?

"I don't know....Gaps."  "Gaps, what are gaps?" "She's got gaps, I've got gaps, together we fill gaps".

In case you don't recognize it, those poignant words are spoken by a nobody, wanna-be, Philadelphia boxer by the name of Rocky Balboa, aka Sly Stallone.

He's responding to his future brother-in-law in regards to why he loves his sister, Adrian.

Amazing that such incredible words scripted for a movie, could be so full of life and such a beautiful picture of how Christ depicts the role of the individuals that comprise the body of Christ, namely the church.

I have my part to play, my gifts to exercise, but they will never be enough to accomplish God's intended purposes.  You see--I've got gaps.  You have your part to play, your gifts to exercise, but they will never be enough.  You've got gaps. But together, along with the rest of our sisters and brothers in the body, we can fill the gaps of one another. Together we can accomplish great things for the Kingdom.

Interestingly enough, as the Chief Development Officer for Youth for Christ Central Valley, the same scenario plays out with our partners/donors, volunteers and Board members.  Our staff team has some incredible talent, gifting, and skill, but we've still got gaps.

On our very best of days, we will need 100's of volunteers to accomplish even more hours of relationship time, mentoring, loving on, chauffeuring, and chaperoning, the 1,000's of kids we work with.  In fact if they don't fill this gap, our ministry effort is easily cut by more than 75%.

Board members fill gaps by way of governance, accountability, advocacy to the church and business community.  Without the $ and people resources they bring to bear, our team is like a well tuned and very fast race car, with NO FUEL.  Or even worse, add the fuel, but with no one on the sidelines providing a road map and a 10,000 foot perspective for the driver of the car (that would be me).

Partners.  Remember the empty gas tank from above, well, now take off the tires, remove the oil and water and just see how quickly your car can get around the track.  But when partners step up and fill the gaps, you don't just put gas back in the tank, you put high octane gas into your Bugatti Veyron.  You don't just throw on American Tire company tires, you bring Michelin PAX tires to the game.

It's certainly not rocket science.  It most definitely is not new news for any of us, so why does it seem like ministry and kingdom efforts have so many gaps?

Question: Who are the people that you need to fill your gaps?

Question: Are you actively, consciously playing your part, using your gifts, talents and abilities to fill the gaps of others?

By Rick Fritzemeier
Executive Director of Youth for Christ Central Valley

1 comment:

  1. Want to stay in touch? Follow my twitter musings at @rjf0315.
